Saturday, September 30, 2017

Food 4Thought!

Gardening activities ..."How do we break this branch?" and the use of products from a garden, allows students to use many thought-processing skills! These may include: *Problem solving, *Decision making, *Conversing and *Creating … which means that students are encouraged to *Cooperate, *Discuss, *Label, *Question, and *Concentrate!


  1. So true Clare, the students are getting those critical skills for literacy as well as those skills to be critical thinkers, collaborators, communicators and also creativity as they design and personalise their garden and present the food that they make. The 4C's.

    1. Thank you, Lisa ... it is so interesting to observe (from a distance) the strategies which come into play when students are left to make their own decisions and then to acknowledge their efforts, when they achieve results!
