Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Cooking Without Gas or Electricity!

Students at St Bernadette's Primary Lalor Park are investigating possible ways to cook their Kitchen Garden produce without using gas or electricity! If Solar Ovens can melt cheese and chocolate, is a vegetable lasagna the next dish on the menu? 

Friday, September 25, 2015

Books Come to Life in the Garden!

 After an entertaining Book Parade what better place to gather and talk about your favourite characters, than in the garden! Fern was there (Charlotte was hiding in her web!) along with Snow White and a Princess or two!

Friday, September 11, 2015

Ecological Education!

Ecological education can take place in a variety of settings: at school, in families, in the media and elsewhere. Good education plants seeds when we are young, and these continue to bear fruit throughout life! 

Laudato Si' An Encyclical Letter on Ecology and Climate - Chapter 6:213

Pope Francis supports Kitchen Gardens in Schools!