The 'Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, slogan took on another 'R' when students at St Michael's Primary Blacktown South, had to 'Rethink' in order to sort their waste during the two day rubbish audit, held recently! Labelled bins were placed on Infants and Primary playgrounds whereYear 6 students and teachers were on hand to advise and encourage students to throw items into the correct bins! Students became more aware of the triangle symbol which indicates recycling, the need to squash tetra packs to reduce space and it is easier to bring fruit pieces in containers, rather than whole pieces of fruit! The rubbish audit was followed up with a 'Waste Free Wednesday', which means students are encouraged to 'Rethink' how much packaging they use for snacks and lunches and all rubbish, except fruit scraps (which are composted) is taken home ... WFW will be held at least once a term!
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