The third PLCfS meeting was held on Wednesday 24 November 2010, at St Bernadette's Primary Lalor Park. Representatives from seven Parramatta schools and the Catholic Education Office, welcomed Jacqueline Remond (National Director-Catholic Earthcare Australia) to the gathering in the library, with a delicious morning tea. Delights included mini quiches made by the students, with produce from the kitchen garden and served warm! A reflection presented by the students, included gifts of small Japanese Maple plants, which they discovered growing in the school grounds! A short tour of the school garden allowed the students time to inform the group of the process of establishing their "tank" garden beds, frog pond and "secret garden".
The meeting evolved into an animated discussion regarding the SEMP (Strategic Environmental Mangement Plan) with the view to all schools developing their own. The South Australian ecological vision for Catholic Education has just been released via the "On Holy Ground" document, which includes ASSISI (A Strategic Systems-based Intregrated Sustainability Initiative) and it is something to which New South Wales Catholic Education, could aspire! The "On Holy Ground" document is online at http://www.catholicearthcare.org.au/
The tentative date for the next meeting is Wednesday 16 February ... venue to be advised ... all welcome!

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