Planting 200 trees and shrubs at St Michael’s Primary Blacktown South with Greening Australia
David Warren – Technical Specialist – Seed from Greening Australia visited St Michael’s on 25 August to complete Part 2 of a project which began on 21 July with a visit and barbeque to Ropes Creek Nursery at Oxley Park. St Michael’s was one of five schools chosen to participate in the opportunity and receive the 200 plus plants.
Students from the Nano Cottage Language Groups along with 3G – Miss Charlotte Gourlie’s class and some Year 6 volunteers, enthusiastically found the holes which David had dug with the auger, planted trees and shrubs, placed cardboard protection at the base of the plants and placed guards around them.
Now the fun part of watering them regularly has begun, using watering cans and a very long hose! This project enables students to improve their practical language skills, through following instructions and problem solving. Oral language skills which enhance memory and vocabulary are also developed in a natural setting and all the while the school is being beautified! As Opia expressed, “I love helping to save the environment!”
Charlotte Goulie – 3G & Clare Maloney: Itinerant Teacher – Communication
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