Fifteen interested educators gathered at St Bernadette's Primary Castle Hill on Wednesday
19 March to attend the twelfth Parramatta Learning Community for Sustainability meeting.
Statute of St Francis of Assisi to acknowledge Pope Francis |
The Agenda included:
- Welcome to St Bernadette’s and a tour of the garden by current and past students of the school!
- Acknowledgement of Country
- Reflection: ‘Call to Care’
- ASSISI, On Holy Ground, Australian Education Sustainability Alliance: CEA
- Immersion Day – St John’s Primary Riverstone
- Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden Bus Tour
- ‘The Tomorrow Book’ by Jackie French
- ‘Eat It to Beat It’: NSW Cancer Council
- Sustainable Schools’ Website
- Forming a Steering Group
From Little Things Big Things Grow! |
Welcoming Committee! |
Growing herbs in a rock wall! |
Corn which goes to seed will regrow! |
Colourful tyres with bin inserts to grow spuds! |
This space is for a new garden! |
Thriving snow-peas! |
A delicious afternoon tea with produce from the garden! |
- Earth Hour for Schools Friday
- Walk to School Day Friday
Term Two Meeting:
Delany College Granville – Wednesday 22 May 4pm