St John's Primary Riverstone played host to the fourth
PLCfS meeting on a warm summer's day in February. Visitors from various schools, the Catholic Education Office and Catholic Earthcare Australia, enjoyed a tour of the grounds by the students, followed by a delicious morning tea, served in the new school hall.
A stirring visual and vocal rendition of
'From Little Things Big Things Grow' by Paul Kelly and friends, set the scene for a spirited discussion on what is already happening in schools, what can happen in schools as regards
'The Holy Ground' we are custodians of, and how to inspire students to take up the challenge to become involved more fully in real language experiences, by caring for the earth.
The next meeting will be held at St Patrick's Primary Blacktown on Wednesday 8 June and will showcase the Kitchen Garden which began in 2009 to meet the needs of students with severe language difficulties ...
'from little things big things grow'!